This podcast offers a collection of Call of the Day highlights from the show. New features frequently added. Programmer gives this app a lot of love and attention and it shows. Every week, Brendon shares what he's struggling with, working on and marching towards - and how we can all live an extraordinary life. Mark all un played …. dr laura schlessinger podcast

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New features frequently added. It will shift your thinking, make you laugh and and give you the tools you need. Learn the Spartan mindset. Each episode addresses a reader's parenting issue through the lens of Janet's respectful parenting philosophy. Go behind the scenes with Brendon, the world's leading high performance coach and one of the Top Most Followed Public Figures in the world, as he speaks to 20, people in arenas, coaches celebrities, helps his students, and reaches millions of people every week with his message for how we can all live, love and matter.

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Dr. Laura Call of the Day

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Player FM for Android — Download podcasts free. Welcome to Player FM! This podcast offers a collection of Call of the Day highlights from the show. Every week, Brendon shares what he's struggling with, working on and marching towards - and how we can all live an extraordinary life.

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